9th Edition of the MRM is here

The 9th Edition of the International Master’s Degree in reconstructive microsurgery is going to start next September in Strasbourg.

We are now making the selection of the candidates and on behalf of all the Educational Board of the European School of Microsurgery are very proud to see that after 10 years running this master course we have trained over 150 microsurgeons and many of them are now leaders in the different counties and places before that no one was doing microsurgery.

Behalf now, between our former students, many people who are now Chiefs of great microsurgery units that are doing all kind of microsurgery like DIEP flaps, re-implants, H&N reconstruction, genitourinary reconstruction.

This project is growing and becoming stronger and some of our former students are joining our programme as part of the faculty, due the expertise they have achieved.

I would like to mention Dr J.C. Zambrano, chief of the Plastic Department of the Universidad Javeriana de Colombia who this year it has been considered by the Educational board as a new faculty in this International master.

Some of other former students like Dr Z. Jandali, in Germany that are doing excellent contributions in our Masters and we assure that our educational platform is going to run for many years as a real microsurgical network to provide the excellence in clinical and research work.

More information here: http://mrm.rmes.es


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